“Essential Oils: More Harmful Than Helpful?”

“Essential Oils: More Harmful Than Helpful?”

“Essential Oils: More Harmful Than Helpful?” This is a response to the inaccurate article on the site below. A request for right of reply has not been answered. https://www.lung.org/getmedia/23b010a7-d921-4237-bad1-92e91d6520f4 “Essential oils should be used with caution by individuals with respiratory conditions”. “by Editorial Staff January...

A review of web and social media sites selling and promoting essential oils for the well-being of pets.

A review of web and social media sites selling and promoting essential oils for the well-being of pets.

Due to the proliferation of misleading and dangerous information on most social media and some web sites, I have been asked to update my old newsgroup email from 2001 on this subject. I have no problem with the use of the appropriate essential oils on animals for the appropriate condition. For example, the use of certain oils to disinfect a woun...

Health care referral web sites & their link scams

Health care referral web sites & their link scams

Updated July 2009. At the foot of this article I have added the URLs of those who have added links to my web site without asking. Also, those sites that are clearly marketing companies dredging up any old links and adding them to their customers web sites. I recommend avoiding those who have a 'Health Directory' including numerous links. You can be...

Exposed - the lies of Gary Young of Young Living

By Mynou De Mey With contributions from Martin Watt co-author of Frankincense & Myrrh through the ages Introduction:  Over the last few months there has been considerable debate on the Internet following the posting of a video on youtube by a Sultan Yusuf Ahmed Salah of Somalia. This video exposed the lies that Gary Young continues to spin. It...


Also see the other file on that shady company Google books project In early 2013, I discovered that part of the 'Aromatherapy Practitioner Manual' by Sylla Sheppard-Hanger was available as a .pdf download from a UK website. I informed Sylla, who then contacted the site owner about this copyright infringement. The owner claimed he "got the cop...

The ‘Therapeutic Grade’ Essential Oils Disinformation Campaign

Adapted from Kirkham K. & Burfield T. (2006) “Naked aromatherapy – the truth laid bare” Aromatherapy Today 36, 28-33, as further updated in Cropwatch Newsletter August 2007.  Copyright © Tony Burfield & Kendra Kirkham 2006-9. Pre-amble. Many professional aromatherapists have become unwitting victims of a marketing ploy by essential oil s...

Wholefoodsmagazine.com Not wanting the truth about their articles

This health food trade journal has published a report about the death of the criminal Gary Young of Young Living. The article reads more like an ad for Young Living and is packed with hype and lies such as: “The undisputed leader of the global essential oil movement,” which is just not true. Also, no mention of the many prosecutions and fines impos...

Exposed - the lies of Gary Young of Young Living

By Mynou De Mey With contributions from Martin Watt Introduction:  Over the last few months there has been considerable debate on the Internet following the posting of a video on youtube by a Sultan Yusuf Ahmed Salah of Somalia. This video exposed the lies that Gary Young continues to spin. It is far from being the first time that his lies...

'Raindrop therapy' in the UK A warning about this treatment

'Raindrop therapy' in the UK. A warning about this treatment Underlying this treatment is the long discredited USA based Young Living and their founder the late Gary Young. It seems that they may have guessed legal action might be coming from the FDA in America. So by spreading their lying and manipulating ways overseas they could keep the p...

A review of a web site selling Young Living oils for animal health

A review of a web site selling Young Living oils for animal health

That disreputable organisation, via their distributors, are now targeting  their sales at pet owners. Claims that were from the web pages of: http://www.thewholedog.org/EOCats.html LINK DEAD Go there to see the original article summarised below. Proof that this site is a Young Living oils distributor is on: http://www.thewholedog.org/yleo.h...