First article below

April 2017

One of several advice type sites linking to unscrupulous suppliers was: and These sites are run
by Lea Harris who has links to and has accepted donations from distributors
of Young Living and DoTerra. This lady is - one assumes - getting paid for all
those links and so does not seem to care who she directs her readers to. Lea
Harris claims she qualified in July 2013 as a Certified Aromatherapist with
Advanced Graduate training from Aromahead Institute. Therefore I question
how someone so newly trained, and with only a limited knowledge of the
International trade in essential oils, or analytical chemistry, or safety issues,
can give accurate information on the numerous blogs she has become
associated with. Now she is into heavy marketing of all kinds of courses.

As Ms Harris has posted on her site the email she sent me after seeing this
article, but without my responses, I am now posting that here in the full

She has links to DoTerra and Young Living distributors who maintain their
oils are all "therapeutic grade", yet on this site: Lea
says "The fact is all essential oils are therapeutic grade". Talk about double
standards making money out of the links, while at the same time implying
these companies are liars. gives misleading information. Good examples are to
be found with the advice about what essential oils to avoid in pregnancy: At
least 50 percent of the essential oils mentioned are permitted food flavourings
under FDA and other regulations. It is ridiculous to say "avoid all these oils"
because anyone eating processed foods can't avoid them and there is no sound
evidence that the low levels used in food are hazardous to a foetus. For more
see my articles archive. Lea's information says "pulegone... can cause liver
toxicity for the mother". This is based on a handful of cases where huge
amounts of the oil have been consumed. See my article on pennyroyal. Of
course the oils she mentions should not be consumed as medicinal substances
during pregnancy. It took me years to research and evaluate safety data on
essential oils. How someone newly qualified is able to do that is a bit of a

In the case of the Aromahead Institute that Lea trained with, they were also
promoted by her for training courses, yet they sell or sold many essential oils
on which there are no credible therapeutic uses and some of the oils have no
known safety data. For example, in the Scholars Program course, they claim
to teach "therapeutic properties and uses of over 100 essential oils". However,
there is nothing like that number of essential oils with valid therapeutic data.
Many of the properties are taken from the appallingly inaccurate aromatherapy
books, or are invented based on the chemical profile of the oils-see other files.

Another site Lea recommended is Queen Homeschool Supplies who sell
Double Helix Water. Just another quack product designed to fool the gullible
into parting with their cash. They sell a blend of cinnamon bark and leaf oils
yet claim: "Both produce similar results, and have similar aromas". I don't
know what they are using but these oils are totally different in composition,
fragrance and uses. Such statements indicate to me a business who know
nothing about the products they sell and are probably relying on badly trained
therapists or the popular aromatherapy novels. They also linked to who use DoTerra essential oils and whose
distributors are notorious for making illegal medicinal claims.

Another site Lea promoted is: who sell oils with
absolutely no safety testing or credible therapeutic use data on the plants
essential oil such as: blue tansy, ghandi root, guava leaf, linaloe berry, palo
santo and others. They sell rosewood oil which is a threatened species and
comes under CITES regulations. Some of their medicinal claims for oils such as
bergamot are the usual trade fiction.

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More posts
Essential Chemistry for Safe Aromatherapy
The Chemistry of Essential Oils
The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple