Exposed - the lies of Gary Young of Young Living
doTERRA and Young Living/
By Mynou De Mey
With contributions from
Martin Watt
Introduction: Over the last few months there has been considerable debate on the Internet following the posting of a video on youtube by a Sultan Yusuf Ahmed Salah of Somalia. This video exposed the lies that Gary Young continues to spin. It is far from being the first time that his lies have been exposed, but perhaps not so publicly as on youtube. The video has been removed several times after legal threats from Young Living, but the Sultan has now got his own website here: Now gone.

The comments below are based on Gary Young's own forum, distributors blogs and websites.
Gary Young says:“Very few individuals are willing to pay the price, since it is easier to copy other people's information, claim someone else's stories as their own, or just make it up when they simply don't know what they're talking about”.
Mynou: Feels like he's looking into his own mirror... Isn't this what Gary Young has been doing all along? Copying Tisserand, Lafabvre, Penoel, etc... alleging that he has studied with some or all of them...which is not true. Marcel Lafabvre himself said that Mr. Young took one class that he never completed. By the end of the first day, he was boasting around like an "expert". Needless to say he looked ridiculous to all who attended that class/seminar.
Mr. Young continues to add lies to falsehoods, to bogus medical claims, while showing very little respect for the cultures he is exposed to...obviously leaving his ominous footprints wherever he goes, like a bulldog coming home with paws full of mud... In the end, reputation is everything, and Mr.Young despite his financial success is really not taken seriously by anyone involved in true Aromatherapy.
Another lie...and a serious one:
Gary Young: Here Gary is shown posing with his Business permit from the Ministry of Agriculture-Dhofar (Oman).
“Moreover, Young Living is proud of the singular opportunity we have to be the first commercial frankincense distiller in Oman in hundreds of years".
Mynou: The date of his Business Permit is dated May 30, 2013. I know for a fact that there is a distiller in Salalah who has a Business Permit dated July 25, 2011. This means that this company has been distilling in Oman for at least two years prior to Gary Young. He knows this but lies about it. I have seen the permit.
I believe at this point that Young is suffering from multiple psychoses, one of them being that he thinks that he is "the only one who", "the first one who". He forgets too easily that in this industry people travel far to search for their oils... and sometimes bump into each other... it's a small world after all... and Salalah is a small town.
Martin Watt:I should add here that the major fragrance and extraction companies in the UK and USA have been importing Frankincense from that area for generations. In addition, to maintain the highest quality of essential oils they have until recently imported the crude resins and distilled them in their own highly specialised factories. Now that modern extraction facilities are being used in Oman, they may now be importing finished oils from the traders, but certainly not from Young Living; a minow in the real world of essential oils.
Mynou: And once again Gary Young has been caught in a big fat lie as he keeps
talking out of his "derriere". Mr. Young is neither the first, and was never the only company granted permission to distill, and/or export Frankincense.
If his blunder in Somalia is an indication of how adept he is at making friends, I sincerely doubt that the Omani people respect him at all... and for good reasons.
Most companies buy their Frankincense from Somalia, not Oman... there is too little of it in Oman. But since G.Young insulted Sultan Yusuf in Somalia, I would doubt that he would be welcomed back.
In Oman There is not one essential oil company that is harvesting their own frankincense. That's a fact!
In Oman frankincense is harvested by "tribes". If you want frankincense, you need to buy it from the tribes who own the trees. That's a fact. Tribes in Oman are "families", well educated, prosperous, wealthy, well dressed, sophisticated and professional individuals. They control large businesses and send their children to study abroad. They are by no means the "tribes" that most people imagine, ignorant, poor, perhaps barbaric, and in need, and running around with a loin cloth... ;o)
They don't need a guy like G.Young.
Martin Watt:Of course not, the traders of Frankincense in that area have been building up worldwide contacts for the last several thousand years. They know who wants their resins and that includes the worlds top fragrance companies. Despite the lies told by Young Living, these organisations know more about essential oils than ANYONE in aromatherapy.
Gary Young: “I have built two distilleries in Salalah and have walked the mountains from the eastern Dhofar mountains east of Hasik to the border of Yemen, harvesting frankincense resin".
Mynou: One, you cannot go into the mountains and harvest frankincense in Oman... *it is not allowed.* Secondly, you cannot harvest frankincense in Oman. It's strictly a tribal business.
Then there is his story about receiving a "gift" of 200,000 to 400,00 acres of land from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, for their exclusive use of frankincense. This has been posted on the Internet... However, there is nothing about this that Gary Young has written himself. Instead, he tells his cult members during their conferences, then THEY write about it. This means he can claim it was not written by himself, but by an independent distributor. He has been caught lying too many times and his legal team have put a gag on him. He will not speak without his legal team as a shield. He would not show up for the interview with Utah Stories...
This story about the gift of land is simply not true. Mr. Young has always wanted to appear more important than anyone, and who is going to check into his stories?..not his followers. Ask yourselves, why would the Sultan award this guy whom nobody knows., with a gift of land?...for what reason? There has never been such a gift.
Young claimed that “he would be protecting the trees and help the tribes”. Seems a bit like a colonialist attitude to have, don't you think? The trade never needed his help, thank you. It continues to succeed and prosper without G. Young.
Following the fiasco in Somalia, I would advice Mr. G.Young not to repeat that experience in Oman, which is quite a different place. Publishing lies about meetings with important Omanis is a big mistake.
Other now famous quotes from G. Young:
*With respect and admiration for those who seek the truth....Why must the talk about this sacred oil be marred with the negative side of the essential oil industry that is about money and power? Only those who are part of that description can answer that question."*
It would be nice if Gary Young told us who he was referring to in the above. I would have thought the “money and power” was Gary Young talking about himself.
Mynou de Mey, Aromatherapy Educator
See also article on Frankincense oil for cancer.
With contributions from
Martin Watt
Introduction: Over the last few months there has been considerable debate on the Internet following the posting of a video on youtube by a Sultan Yusuf Ahmed Salah of Somalia. This video exposed the lies that Gary Young continues to spin. It is far from being the first time that his lies have been exposed, but perhaps not so publicly as on youtube. The video has been removed several times after legal threats from Young Living, but the Sultan has now got his own website here: Now gone.

The comments below are based on Gary Young's own forum, distributors blogs and websites.
Gary Young says:“Very few individuals are willing to pay the price, since it is easier to copy other people's information, claim someone else's stories as their own, or just make it up when they simply don't know what they're talking about”.
Mynou: Feels like he's looking into his own mirror... Isn't this what Gary Young has been doing all along? Copying Tisserand, Lafabvre, Penoel, etc... alleging that he has studied with some or all of them...which is not true. Marcel Lafabvre himself said that Mr. Young took one class that he never completed. By the end of the first day, he was boasting around like an "expert". Needless to say he looked ridiculous to all who attended that class/seminar.
Mr. Young continues to add lies to falsehoods, to bogus medical claims, while showing very little respect for the cultures he is exposed to...obviously leaving his ominous footprints wherever he goes, like a bulldog coming home with paws full of mud... In the end, reputation is everything, and Mr.Young despite his financial success is really not taken seriously by anyone involved in true Aromatherapy.
Another lie...and a serious one:
Gary Young: Here Gary is shown posing with his Business permit from the Ministry of Agriculture-Dhofar (Oman).
“Moreover, Young Living is proud of the singular opportunity we have to be the first commercial frankincense distiller in Oman in hundreds of years".
Mynou: The date of his Business Permit is dated May 30, 2013. I know for a fact that there is a distiller in Salalah who has a Business Permit dated July 25, 2011. This means that this company has been distilling in Oman for at least two years prior to Gary Young. He knows this but lies about it. I have seen the permit.
I believe at this point that Young is suffering from multiple psychoses, one of them being that he thinks that he is "the only one who", "the first one who". He forgets too easily that in this industry people travel far to search for their oils... and sometimes bump into each other... it's a small world after all... and Salalah is a small town.
Martin Watt:I should add here that the major fragrance and extraction companies in the UK and USA have been importing Frankincense from that area for generations. In addition, to maintain the highest quality of essential oils they have until recently imported the crude resins and distilled them in their own highly specialised factories. Now that modern extraction facilities are being used in Oman, they may now be importing finished oils from the traders, but certainly not from Young Living; a minow in the real world of essential oils.
Mynou: And once again Gary Young has been caught in a big fat lie as he keeps
talking out of his "derriere". Mr. Young is neither the first, and was never the only company granted permission to distill, and/or export Frankincense.
If his blunder in Somalia is an indication of how adept he is at making friends, I sincerely doubt that the Omani people respect him at all... and for good reasons.
Most companies buy their Frankincense from Somalia, not Oman... there is too little of it in Oman. But since G.Young insulted Sultan Yusuf in Somalia, I would doubt that he would be welcomed back.
In Oman There is not one essential oil company that is harvesting their own frankincense. That's a fact!
In Oman frankincense is harvested by "tribes". If you want frankincense, you need to buy it from the tribes who own the trees. That's a fact. Tribes in Oman are "families", well educated, prosperous, wealthy, well dressed, sophisticated and professional individuals. They control large businesses and send their children to study abroad. They are by no means the "tribes" that most people imagine, ignorant, poor, perhaps barbaric, and in need, and running around with a loin cloth... ;o)
They don't need a guy like G.Young.
Martin Watt:Of course not, the traders of Frankincense in that area have been building up worldwide contacts for the last several thousand years. They know who wants their resins and that includes the worlds top fragrance companies. Despite the lies told by Young Living, these organisations know more about essential oils than ANYONE in aromatherapy.
Gary Young: “I have built two distilleries in Salalah and have walked the mountains from the eastern Dhofar mountains east of Hasik to the border of Yemen, harvesting frankincense resin".
Mynou: One, you cannot go into the mountains and harvest frankincense in Oman... *it is not allowed.* Secondly, you cannot harvest frankincense in Oman. It's strictly a tribal business.
Then there is his story about receiving a "gift" of 200,000 to 400,00 acres of land from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, for their exclusive use of frankincense. This has been posted on the Internet... However, there is nothing about this that Gary Young has written himself. Instead, he tells his cult members during their conferences, then THEY write about it. This means he can claim it was not written by himself, but by an independent distributor. He has been caught lying too many times and his legal team have put a gag on him. He will not speak without his legal team as a shield. He would not show up for the interview with Utah Stories...
This story about the gift of land is simply not true. Mr. Young has always wanted to appear more important than anyone, and who is going to check into his stories?..not his followers. Ask yourselves, why would the Sultan award this guy whom nobody knows., with a gift of land?...for what reason? There has never been such a gift.
Young claimed that “he would be protecting the trees and help the tribes”. Seems a bit like a colonialist attitude to have, don't you think? The trade never needed his help, thank you. It continues to succeed and prosper without G. Young.
Following the fiasco in Somalia, I would advice Mr. G.Young not to repeat that experience in Oman, which is quite a different place. Publishing lies about meetings with important Omanis is a big mistake.
Other now famous quotes from G. Young:
*With respect and admiration for those who seek the truth....Why must the talk about this sacred oil be marred with the negative side of the essential oil industry that is about money and power? Only those who are part of that description can answer that question."*
It would be nice if Gary Young told us who he was referring to in the above. I would have thought the “money and power” was Gary Young talking about himself.
Mynou de Mey, Aromatherapy Educator
See also article on Frankincense oil for cancer.
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