Education and training/ 16.03.24
Education and training
Anyone considering a career in aromatherapy should study all the articles on this site carefully. You will then have an idea on what to be on the lookout for, and how to avoid wasting your money. Do I need to take a training course? Minor updating 2014 Aromatherapy is no different to many other subjects in that it is only worth paying for...

Education and training/ 15.03.24
Aromatherapy blogs 2
Most of these numerous blogs are run by untrained and inexperienced people, yet they give all kinds of advice on health issues. They may be selling attractive products, but often these are made at home with no safety assessment or consumer safeguards - particularly in the USA. Another problem I have noticed is that some link fr...
Education and training/ 15.03.24
A warning to people in Canada seeking a training course. Also, beware of any other courses who are teaching the trash below!
By Martin Watt Cert Phyt. Medical Herbalist & essential oil educator, UK. Dec. 2003 Also see the other file entitled 'Canadian claims+general errors' Beware of web sites where it is claimed the teacher has "20 years experience in aromatherapy," that can mean little in a trade which has no sound quality control mechanisms, that's assuming t...
Education and training/ 18.02.24
AROMATHERAPY BOOKS AND COURSES Look at any course notes you had during your training. Do they contain any references to justify claims like: "German chamomile is anti inflammatory", "lavender is a relaxant", "tea tree kills bacteria". If you see no references to scientific papers justifying such claims, then your course provider has not bo...

Education and training/ 18.02.24
Herbs and Essential oils - the differences in action and the errors in aromatherapy
Herbs and Essential oils - the differences in action and the errors in aromatherapy By Martin Watt The following three old newsgroup emails have been put into this article because aromatherapists are still not being educated on these vital issues. Indeed leading course providers and oil suppliers continue to promote essential oils based o...
Education and training/ 18.02.24
BOTANICAL (Latin) NAMES FOR ESSENTIAL OILS 'Aromatic Sense' the IATA newsletter, Summer 1996. Revised 2006 Over the years there has been an enormous push for utilising scientific terminology in aromatherapy. Unfortunately, few of the people promoting the use of Latin terminology have a working knowledge of the essential oil trade, or for...
Education and training/ 18.02.24
Lecture to the Royal College of Nurses conference
Lecture to the Royal College of Nurses conference on complementary medicine in 1992 by Martin Watt cert. phyt. medical herbalist. Paul has asked me to start the day and I am told that I have to wake everyone up. To do that I will pass on to you some of my knowledge about the misleading and untruthful claims made by some complementary thera...
Education and training/ 18.02.24
AROMATHERAPY FOR THE MEDICAL PROFESSION A USEFUL THERAPY, BUT TRAINING QUALITY AND SAFETY STANDARDS ARE A LOTTERY By Martin Watt Significant inroads into the mainstream clinical environment have been made in recent years by various forms of complementary medicine including aromatherapy (1). Therefore is the time not overdue for the medical...

Education and training/ 18.02.24
Some thoughts on the use of Complementary therapies
Some thoughts on the use of Complementary therapies within Government controlled health care services. By Martin Watt Mainly UK but can apply to other countries. A letter (May 2006) from Professor Michael Baum and other leading doctors in the UK, suggested that complementary therapies should not be used by our health service. Their reas...
Education and training/ 18.02.24
Letter from Institute of Comp. Medicine on UK organisations
Letter from Institute of Comp. Medicine on UK organisations. This letter below from the late Michael Endacott of the ICM, may seem out of date, but in some respects it remains valid. Particularly in relation to trade associations accepting LOWEST standards for qualifications. I intend therefore to continue hosting his letter so that newcome...